Welcome from the Queensland President, Brian Carson.

Welcome to the Rolls-Royce Owners Club, Queensland website.

Rolls-Royce and Bentley enthusiasts are welcome to join our Queensland club, which is part of a group of state and territory branch clubs that make up the Federal body called the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club of Australia. If you have an interest in Rolls-Royce or Bentley vehicles, you are most welcome to enjoy being a part of our very active and enthusiastic like-minded group. We have regular monthly events, at various locations across south east Queensland with our premier annual Concours on the fourth Sunday of July each year.

In between our monthly events we also have our fun and casual “Carpark Capers” meeting for an early morning coffee and breakfast at various locations (now in it’s eigth year), with the comfort of low levels of traffic and cooler weather. New members find these events a great way to be introduced to the club.

The Federal club also holds an annual Federal Rally.  The 66th Federal Rally was hosted by the Queensland Branch in Noosa, Queensland in May 2024. the 67th Federal Rally will be held in Newcastle in May 2025, and hosted by the NSW Branch.

Please feel free to contact our club and join us for any of our upcoming events, you may wish to just meet up with us and see what we are like - I’m sure you will enjoy your time.


Brian Carson
President, Rolls-Royce Owners Club, Queensland.

0403 307 198

About the club

Rolls-Royce Owners' Club of Australia - Queensland Branch Inc The first meeting of the Rolls-Royce Owners' Club of Australia was held in Sydney on 20th June 1956. A total of nineteen people were deemed to be Foundation members of the Club. In 1957 a Club was formed in Victoria and enthusiasts in the other states joined one of these Clubs. At this stage Bentley owners were not eligible for membership even though their cars came from the same production line.

On 14th June 1969 the Queensland Branch was formed and in 1976 Bentley owners became full members of the Australian Club. We enjoyed a gala 50th Anniversary Dinner at the United Service Club, Brisbane in August 2019 to celebrate that milestone.

The Constitution of the Rolls-Royce Owners' Club of Australia provides for only six Member Branches (the State and ACT Branches). In each state and ACT, we, as individuals, are members of one of the Branches. Each year a Federal Rally is hosted by one of the Branches and the most recent was hosted by the South Australian Branch in Handorf in March 2023. The Federal Rally includes technical sessions and a range of social events highlighting the attractions of the local area. Queensland will again host a Federal Rally at the Sunshine Coast in 2024. For most members the “premier event” is the Annual Concours for the Qld Branch (held on the 4th Sunday in July) at which cars are judged for their authenticity, appearance and mechanical condition. The Federal body also produces a national magazine Praeclarvm posted out in each alternate month.

The Queensland Branch currently comprises just over 200 members with a slightly larger number of eligible motor cars. The cars range from a 1909 Silver Ghost to the current models from Rolls-Royce and Bentley. A variety of events are conducted during the year; some of which are exclusively social while others are more vehicle oriented. The Branch year parallels the financial year, with the Annual General Meeting in August/September. The "Golden Oldies Run" is not to be missed with the owners of the earlier cars bringing them out on the road and providing a unique opportunity to see them in procession with their more modern counterparts. “Carpark Capers” have been very popular Sunday morning outings since August 2015 - usually the first Sunday of the month for breakfast at a coffee shop near you!

The Branch uses its newsletter The Northern Spirit, this website, and direct email communication to keep in touch with its expanding membership.


Whilst our website is under construction, you can download and print an application form here:


Car Hire

The club sometimes receives enquiries from the public to access or hire club members’ cars for special events such as weddings, school formals, birthday treats etc.

Club member’s cars are registered for private use, not as commercial vehicles (such as limousines). Members generally are not licenced to operate commercial vehicles.  In addition, many of the cars over 30 years old are registered as Special Interest Vehicles and may only be used on published Club events or when being driven to or from a workshop for maintenance or repairs.

 Accordingly, we regret that the club is unable to assist with any requests to access or hire members’ cars.