Ben & Will invite you to spend a warm (hopefully) Sunday afternoon on the lawn listening to the fantastic sounds of the Luna Jazz Ensemble, a five-piece jazz & contemporary music band based in Brisbane, and enjoying the camaraderie of our great Club!
Many of you will remember the dark days of lockdowns, and the happy day we all spent in August 2020, when we thought the worst of it was over…….. This time there’ll be no masks, no COVID register, just friendship, laughter, great music and wonderful cars.
The band will start at approximately 11:30am.
Aim to arrive around 11:00 to park you r car and secure a table.
BYO lunch (BBQ and Chef to attend to your whims)
Afternoon tea will be provided!
RSVPs and prepayment essential - $20 per person
Ben Olsen 0417 781 767
Will Thompson 0409 487 741
More details in your TNS